Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Speed in response does count.

Dear Students,

When you decipher the following message please send an email with the decoded phrase to
Speed in response does count.

Best of luck,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lecture @ 6:00PM @ The DIFC

Student attendance at this event by both sections of Senior Design is expected. 
Please do not miss these talks.

at The American University in Dubai

cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled:

The History of Photography and Contemporary Photography in the Gulf Region

The Convention Center of The Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC)
Date & Time:
Wednesday, the 22nd of October, 2008, at 6:30p.m.
Roberto Lopardo, Chair of the Department of Visual Communication at AUD, will be on the lecture’s panel delivering an insight into the International Photographic theory and history. He will investigate how photography from the Gulf fits into the larger global contemporary photography medium.

The artistic work of AUD students will be highlighted in terms of its connection to the contemporary photographic spectrum.

The lecture will be followed by an open discussion forum.
Roberto Lopardo will be available for interviews.
Reporters are kindly requested to assemble in Lobby 5 of the DIFC at 6:00p.m. sharp for a tour of “To The Holy Lands Exhibition” prior to the lecture.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ayyam Gallery: Black versus Color

Dear Students,

Tomorrow night, Thursday Oct. 16th, at 8PM there is an opening at Ayyam Gallery. Attendance at the opening is mandatory for those students who plan on exhibiting at Ayyam Gallery. While at the opening please talk to people about The Rituals of the Dinner.

Have fun. Enjoy the free refreshments. Socialize. Network.

Prof. Lopardo and Bray

Sunday, October 12, 2008

DIFC-To the Holy Lands Exhibition

Dear Students,

Monday, Oct. 13th at 6pm (sharp) at the DIFC in Lobby 5 there will be a panel discussing "Critiquing Art: Factors in Critiquing Art Within the Modern Middle East.' 

Your attendance at this worthwhile event is required. Mike and I will see you there.

Please make note of changes ...

This is a new group. Make note of timings.

Chris Lord (Time Out Dubai) & Mehnaz Tan (Elementa Gallery) on Oct. 21st @ 4PM in Rm 206
Nazanin 4-4:30
Areej 4:30-5
Waad 5-5:30
Ayah 5:30-6

Please make a note of these new timings for these groups as well.

Marcelo (AUD) & Julia (AUD)
Rama 4-4:30
Sogoli 4:30-5
Hamda 5-5:30
Jumana 5:30-6

Hetal (Jam Jar) & Stephanie (Art Dubai)
Cima 4-4:30
Sami 4:30-5
Mohammed 5-5:30
Elma 5:30-6

Please don't be late to these meetings.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mandatory 'Fun' Events

Wednesday 8th October
The Jam Jar ..... opening of 'Let's Talk: Five  Pakistani Artists in Dialogue' @ 7:00PM
Third Line ..... opening of 'Zenith and Nadir' @ 7:30PM

Thursday 9th October
Traffic Design Gallery ..... opening of ViTraffic @ 7:30PM

Please check with the galleries websites if you need further details. All students in both sections are required to attend these events. Mike and I will be taking attendance. Failure to attend will result in something very bad.

Upcoming Meetings

Laura Trelford (Art Dubai) & Sonia Brewin (START) on Oct. 21st @ 4PM in Rm 202
Altamash 4-4:30
Hazem 4:30-5
Nadia 5-5:30
Mona 5:30-6
Angelica 6-6:30
Arezoo 6:30-7

Marcelo Lima (AUD) & Julia Townsend (AUD) on Oct. 21st @ 4PM in Rm 208
Rama  4-4:30
Sogoli  4:30-5
Nazanin  5-5:30
Waad  5:30-6
Hamda  6-6:30
Jumana 6:30-7

Katrina Weber (Third Line) & Ode Amaize (AUD) on Oct. 21st @ 4PM in Rm 103
Talayeh, Hind, Kavitha, Peter 4-5:30
Eva 5:30-6 

Hetal Pawani (The Jam Jar) & Stephanie Sykes (Art Dubai) on Oct. 21st @ 4PM in Rm 102
Cima 4-4:30
Sami 4:30-5
Mohammed 5-5:30
Areej 5:30-6
Elma 6-6:30
Ayah 6:30-7

Please make a note of your specific meeting time and room number. Don't miss your meeting.